
Upleadon Parish Council Accounts 2023/2024 (See Documents below)

Certificate of Exemption 2023 2024

Annual Governance Statement 2023 2024

Accounting Statements 2023 2024

Internal Audit Report 2023 2024

Bank Reconciliation 2023 2024

Explanation-of-Variances-2023 2024

Declaration 2023 2024

Notice of Inspection of Accounts

Notice of Public Rights


Upleadon Parish Council Accounts 2022/2023 (See Documents below)

Certificate of Exemption 2022/2023

Section 1 Annual Governance Statement 2022/2023

Section 2 Accounting Statements 2022/2023

Internal Audit 2022/2023

Bank Reconciliation 2022/2023


Notice of Public Inspection of Accounts

Notice of Public Rights



Upleadon Parish Council Accounts 20212022 (See Documents below)

Certificate of Exemption 202122

Section 1 Annual Governance Statement 202122

Section 2 Accounting Statement 202122

Internal Audit 202122

Bank Reconciliation Mar 202122

Explanation of Variances 202122

Notice of Inspection of Accounts

Summary Public Rights


Upleadon Parish Council Accounts 20202021 (See Documents below)

Certificate of Exemption 2020-21

Annual Government Statement Section 1 2020/202021

Accounting Statement Section 2  2020/2021

Internal Audit Report 2020/ 2021

Bank Reconciliation 31 March 2021 


Notice Inspection of Accounts

Summary of Public Rights Page 1

Summary of Public Rights Page 2



Upleadon Parish Council Accounts 2019-2020 (See Documents below)

Certificate of Exemption 20192020

Annual Governance Statement Section 1 20192020

Accounting Statement Section 2 20192020

InternalAuditReport 201920

Bank Reconciliation 31 Mar 2020

Explanation of Variances

Notice of Public Rights

Summary of  Public Rights Page 1

Summary of Public Rights Page 2


Upleadon Parish Council Accounts 2018-19 (See Documents below)

Certificate of Exemption 201819

Annual Governance Statement Section 1 201819

Accounting Statement Section 2 201819

Internal Audit Report 201819

Bank Reconciliation 31 Mar 2019

Explanation of Variances 201819

Notice Public Rights

Summary Public Rights Page 1

Summary Public Rights Page 2








Upleadon Parish Council Accounts 2017-18  (See Documents below)

Certificate of Exemption 201718

Annual Governance Statement Section 1 201718

Accounting Statement Section 2 201718

Internal Audit Report 201718

Notice of Publication of Accounts 201718

Summary of your Rights 201718




The Upleadon Parish Council Annual Governance Statement for 2016-2017 may be found here.

The Upleadon Parish Council Annual Accounting Statement for 2016-2017 may be found here.

The Upleadon Parish Council Annual Notice of Public Inspection for 2016-2017 may be found here.

The Upleadon Parish Council Annual Published Accounts Declaration for 2016-2017 may be found here.

The Upleadon Parish Council External Auditor and Certificate for 2016-17 may be found here

The Upleadon Parish Council External Auditor – Other Matters not Affecting their Opinion may be found here

The Upleadon Parish Council Close of Audit for 2016-2017 may be found here