Village Survey
Village Survey Introduction
Following an initiative by the Forest of Dean District Council to encourage Parishes to record what features make them distinctive, members of Upleadon Parish Council undertook a survey of the main approach roads to Upleadon, photographing various points along the highway and noting features such as hedges, farmland, woodland and buildings. This information can be referred to when considering any future planning decisions. This survey can be seen on the following link.
If you would like to add to this database by telling the Parish Council about any features of the Parish which you value, such as views from public rights of way, landscape or built environment features or to volunteer to help with our survey of local flora and fauna please contact:
Councillor Pam Turner Tel:l01531 820 666 e-mail: martin@
Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA) – CALL FOR SITES 2024
Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA) – CALL FOR SITES 2024
The Forest of Dean District Council is calling for sites within the district that could potentially accommodate future housing and employment. The new local plan will set out the location of future development of the District. As part of this process we will update our evidence on housing and employment land availability annually through the SHELAA. The aim of this exercise is to have a clear understanding of land which is available throughout the District and to identify as many sites as possible that have housing and employment potential in the area. This assessment provides an important source of evidence for the Council, but it is important to note that any assessment undertaken by the Council at this stage does not allocate the sites to be developed nor guarantee a site will be allocated in the future. The allocation of sites for future housing or employment development will be determined through the Forest of Dean Local Plan or neighbourhood plans. We are inviting interested parties, landowners, and developers to inform us of sites over 0.2 ha that they consider suitable to be assessed as part of the SHELAA.
If you wish to put forward any potential housing or employment sites please complete the
- online form or
- downloadable form and return by email: or by post: Local Plans, Forest of Dean District Council, Council Offices, High Street, Coleford, GL16 8HG
Please return your submission by 31 March 2024 to ensure your site will be considered as part of the 2023 review. Submissions received after the deadline, will be assessed as part of the SHLAA update in 2024. If you have previously submitted a site(s) you will not be required to re-submit, unless you wish to make changes to the site or remove it from the study, as past sites will be carried forward. All sites submitted will be retained as part of a long-term database of potential housing and employment sites used to inform the Local Plan. All submissions will be publicly available
For further information visit:
Refurbished Footpath
The Parish Council is pleased that in conjunction with Gloucestershire County Council – Public Rights of Way and County Cllr Mrs Gill Moseley the footpath that runs between Gloucester Road and Forge Lane has recently been resurfaced. Its prior condition with poor surfacing and overgrowing vegetation made it difficult to use but now its new surfacing and wider access make it much more user friendly. The Parish Council contributed £700 towards the overall cost (including a grant of £325 which the Parish Council bid for, from Cheltenham Motor Club, following a Rally having taken place in the village last year). Public Rights of Way contributed £1000, and Cllr Mrs Gill Moseley who visited the site and met with Parish Council representatives also contributed £2000 from her allocation of highway funding towards the project too. Public Right of Way have many hundreds of public paths in Gloucestershire to maintain and have to prioritise which ones they are able to support. Upleadon is fortunate to have received funding from them to refurbish this important path in the centre of the village which of course avoids having to walk around the Cross where traffic can be busy.